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 World War Two

The following are excerpts from local World War Veterans or research collected by students as part of the Slinger Area History Culture Project.  This is not comprehensive of all veterans and is a work-in-progress.  The pandemic has slowed down collection a bit.  More may be added at a later date.  Stay tuned for a Military Themed in-person community night in 2020-2021 school year for more comprehensive data. 

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Maury Leverance

Here is an audio excerpt from Maury Leverance.


Howard Knox

Here is a video excerpt from Knox from his interview with a history student.

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Jerome Gundrum

Here is a student paper about Jerry Gundrum's service.

*student paper about James Held
*student paper about Glenn Dhein
*student paper about Herbert Goetz
*student paper about Roy Gundrum
*a student paper about Herb Strupp
*a student paper about Cliff Pfeifer
*a student paper about Carl Groth 
*a student paper about Beulah Schloemer
*a student paper about Donald Graber
*a student paper about Fred Zimmel

More coming soon! This page is under construction. 

© 2019 by Slinger HS Social Studies students and the Slinger Area History Culture Project Committee team.  Web design leadership by Julia O'Neil, Kiara Young, Megan Kelly, Carlene Konrath, Emma Supercynski, Makenna Dembeck, and Sydney Grohall-Weston.  Proudly created with,. For Questions /  Contact us at

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