Here are a few Student projects from our interactions with the Kenosha Civil War Museum between 2016 and 2020:
*Going to War
*Camp Life
-sample student work (2019)
-sample student work (2019)
*Medical side
-sample student work (2020)
*Coming Home from War
-sample student work (2020)
-sample student work (2016)
-sample student work (2019)
-sample student work (2019)
The staff at the Kenosha Civil War Museum helps routinely with resources. See sample resource list of several Slinger Area vets compiled by the curator. In addition, students also study the Spirit of West Bend and used several websites/databases to help get more information about local history
*Soldiers and Sailors Database
*Schulteis Research on Washington County soldiers
*Links to the info
*The Spirit of West Bend (Dorothy Williams)
This Civil War section is continuing to be constructed